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Title: Fifth Annual Technical Report GR275/17 incorporating EL 28291, EL 29675, EL 28893 and EL 28896 for the period 9 February 2016 to 8 February 2017
Title Holder / Company: Australian Ilmenite Resources
Report id: CR2017-0111
Tenure: EL28291;  EL29675;  EL28893;  EL28896
Year: 2017
Author: Rafferty, W
Abstract: AIR was purchased by MacMines in April 2016 and the company has concentrated its resources on refurbishing and recommissioning the heavy mineral wet plant on ML' s 27422 and 29042 and prioritised reconnaissance mapping and regolith sampling on the surrounding EL 28291 of GR275 in advance of more comprehensive resource definition work to develop additional economic ilmenite resources. Exploration work on GR275 in 2016 was therefore limited to EL 28291 and comprised geological mapping and shallow, 1m depth, broad-spaced hand auger sampling of mostly Black Soil regolith north of the Roper Highway on Flying Fox Station and south of the highway on Namul Namul Station, east of Block 1 Exploration Target. One hundred and thirty five auger samples were collected and have been stored along with the samples from 2015 awaiting approval for mineral processing. Additional 5m resolution satellite imagery was purchased this period with the same acquisition date as for that area of EL 28291 purchased during the previous reporting period. It covers only EL's 28893 and 28896 of Group 275 and proves useful with geological interpretation and determining the extents of prospective dolerite regolith and alluvium. There was no on-ground exploration by AIR of the other licenses of GR275 this reporting period. AIR has now expanded its exploration programs to include all commodities and although the conclusions and recommendations for exploration as proposed previously are essentially unchanged they have been updated to include this.
NOTESee CR2019-0094 for Auger Results
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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