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Title: Annual Report 28 February 2016 to 27 February 2017 Roper River Iron Ore Project GR260 EL 24101, EL 24102, EL26412, EL 28497, EL 30618
Title Holder / Company: Northern Territory Iron Ore
Report id: CR2017-0119
Tenure: EL24101;  EL24102;  EL26412;  EL28497;  EL30618
Year: 2017
Author: Ryall, T
Abstract: No field work was completed during the current year..
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL24101_2017_A.pdf1.19 MBPDF Add
EL24102_2017_A.pdf666.4 kBPDF Add
EL26412_2017_A.pdf1.26 MBPDF Add
EL28497_2017_A.pdf806.35 kBPDF Add
EL30618_2017_A.pdf902.29 kBPDF Add

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