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Title: EL 24565 Pandanus West Annual Technical Report for the period 18 May 2015 to 17 May 2016
Title Holder / Company: UXA Resources
Report id: CR2016-0433
Tenure: EL24565
Year: 2016
Author: Walker, D
Abstract: During the reporting period, UXA conducted further detailed reviews of the geology of the tenement area and previous exploration work conducted on the tenement by past explorers. Previous exploration mainly focused on diamond exploration and includes airborne geophysical surveys, ground geophysics, soil and stream sampling, and drilling. This review has concluded that much of the previous exploration over the tenement was targeting diamond bearing bodies, and did not take account of the possibility of other types of mineralisation being present in the area. Several of the targets identified and drilled in the diamond exploration programs show mineralogical and chemical characteristics of Westmoreland style uranium mineralisation.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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