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Title: Partial Reduction Report Exploration Licences 31354 for the Period 14 May 2018 to 27 June 2024
Title Holder / Company: West Rock Resources
Boab Metals
Report id: CR2024-0232
Tenure: EL31354
Year: 2024
Author: Noon, S
Abstract: On 12 January, 2021 Pacifico Minerals Limited changed its name to Boab Metals Limited. Boab Metals Limited is now the registered operator of EL 31354. EL 31354 (121.7km2) was granted on 14 May, 2018. The Limestone Creek prospect lies in an area of McArthur Group sediments overlying older Tawallah Group rocks which are overlain by the younger Roper Group sequence. In the prospect area the McArthur Group is mapped as consisting of Mallapunyah Formation overlain by the Amelia Dolomite. The gossanous breccia is composed of fragments of silicified, laminated stromatolitic dolomite in a silica/chert matrix. The clasts are sub-angular and the breccia appears to have 'stratabound' appearance. It is possible these breccias have resulted from the collapse of ex-evaporite horizons. On 27 June 2024, 10 blocks were relinquished from the licence, bring the areas down from 37 blocks to 27 blocks. The Limestone Creek Prospect, remains a priority target drill testing.
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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