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Title: Partial Relinquishment Report Numery South EL 32196 Exploration Licence EL 32196 for the period 23 January 2020 to 22 January 2024
Title Holder / Company: Gempart (NT)
Report id: CR2024-0188
Tenure: EL32196
Year: 2024
Author: Mackie, AW
Bubner, GJ
Abstract: EL 32196 was granted in January 2020. This is the report on the relinquished part following the second statutory reduction. Primary commodities sought are base metals, nickel, cobalt, PGE's, Ti, V and REE's. About one half of the area has outcrop of Arunta Complex metamorphics or Amadeus Basin sediments. There are no mines or deposits within the EL area; copper and REE mineralisation has been recorded at Pipeline and Arthur Popes prospects respectively. Previous explorers, notably CRAE and Mithril, mostly targeted gold and base metals (primarily copper) in Amadeus Basin sediments, nickel/PGE's in ultramafics and REE's in carbonatitic dykes outcropping in Arunta Complex rocks. Past explorers identified elevated and anomalous geochemistry in multiple elements from surface sampling but followed-up with limited drilling. Some programs were abandoned due to downturn in the investment cycle. Gempart believe that re-assessment of past exploration data in the light of new airborne geophysical data can vector prospect areas for more detailed investigation and drilling. In the first four years of tenure Gempart has completed a review and re-compilation of relevant data from government databases and previous exploration results, detailed interpretation of existing aeromagnetic data, reconnaissance field trips, detailed airborne magnetic/radiometric survey, VTEM survey, fixed-loop ground EM surveys, planning of diamond drillholes to test two geophysical anomalies and construction of access tracks. This work has concentrated on the central part of the tenement, where there is prominent outcrop of Arunta Complex and surrounding sediments. The relinquished area subject of the second reduction comprises outcrop of sediments in the basal part of the Amadeus Basin surrounding Arunta Complex rocks of the Casey Inlier. Basalts of the Johnny's Creek Formation are recessive and do not outcrop but can be identified in the magnetics. The relinquished area was covered by part of two airborne surveys in 2021 namely 690 line km of detailed aeromagnetics/radiometrics and 140 line km of VTEM AEM. There are no anomalies of commercial interest in the magnetic or radiometric data. Two weak AEM anomalies are interpreted to be formational conductors. Gempart will focus on advancing exploration at prospects in Arunta Complex in the retained area.
NOTESee CR2021-0192 for Airborne magnetic-radiometric survey
See CR2022-0013 for VTEM survey
Date Added: 5-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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