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Title: Exploration Licence 32361 Final Technical Report for the period 1 April 2023 to 29 January 2024
Title Holder / Company: Territory Exploration
Report id: CR2024-0153
Tenure: EL32361
Year: 2024
Author: Muller, DW
Abstract: This report describes mapping and bulk rock chip sampling activities carried out over EL 32361 during the reporting period from 1 April 2023 to 29 January 2024. No further field work was carried out in the current year due to the inability to secure a suitable RC rig to carry out a one-hole drilling program beneath the Two Amigos Gossan. The Project is initially focused on a significant exposure of gossanous copper-bearing ironstone, exposed in several outcrops over approximately 150 m in strike length and 10 m wide, which has hitherto been unexplored. Previous activity of bulk rock chip sampling was conducted; 16 samples were collected over several traverses across the width of the gossan. All sixteen sample traverses reported anomalous copper values up to 4,600 ppm, and zinc values up to 9%, accompanied by anomalous gold and silver values. Interestingly, gossan occurrences mapped to the south showed higher lead values, up to 3,800 ppm. In the upcoming reporting period regional geophysical data will be obtained and analysed. It had been intended to drill one RC hole beneath the main gossan during the current year but due to high drill rig demand the company was unable to secure a suitable rig for a one-hole program. Based on the author's experience drilling look alike properties at Edward's Find and conclusions made on that exploration it was decided to relinquish EL 32361 prematurely on 29 January 2024.
NOTESee previous reports for data
Date Added: 4-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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