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Title: Cave Hill Project GR160/10 Annual Group Report Period Ending 23 July 2020
Title Holder / Company: Northern Star (Tanami)
Tanami (NT)
Report id: CR2020-0308
Tenure: EL10411;  EL22378
Year: 2020
Author: Pellatt, A
Abello, J
Abstract: This report describes exploration activities primarily for gold undertaken by Northern Star (Tanami) Pty Ltd over EL 10411 and EL 22378, as part of the Cave Hill Combined Reporting Group 160/10 between 24 July 2019 and 23 July 2020. The centre of the Project area is located approximately 650km northwest of Alice Springs along the Tanami Road. A total of 73 Air Core drill holes for a total of 4,827m was completed, whilst subsequent analysis of these samples was undertaken as part of a CSIRO collaborative project to map stratigraphy and assess Tanami Group geochemistry. A spectral orientation study was also undertaken, to determine the applicability of the technique for regional exploration.
NOTESee CR2019-0396 for Gravity Survey
Date Added: 4-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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