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Title: Combined Annual Report for EL 25399 Compass Creek, EL 25436 Mavis, EL 29068 New Waterdrum, 28 February 2019 to 27 February 2020 Compass Creek Project
Title Holder / Company: Ismins
Report id: CR2020-0045
Tenure: EL25399;  EL25436;  EL29068
Year: 2020
Author: McGregor-Dawson, J
Abstract: Unfortunately, no field work was possible on Ismins Compass Creek Project during 2019 due to the loss of funding from partner company AMD Resources Limited in late 2018 (noted above). This created a breach of the agreement between the parties, and led to the termination of the agreement. A protracted negotiation saw Ismins sole funding exploration in June 2019. In late 2019, negotiations were initiated with a Canadian TSX listed entity. This led to the signing of a binding JV 'Heads of Agreement' in late February 2020. This agreement will provide funding for a drilling program at Compass Creek and Mavis in the coming 2020 field season.
Date Added: 4-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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