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Title: Annual and Final Report EL 29887 for the period ending 15 August 2017
Title Holder / Company: China Australia Land Resources
Report id: CR2017-0521
Tenure: EL29887
Year: 2017
Author: Woelfel-Donovan, C
Edgar, H
Abstract: EL 29887, of the Pine Creek Area, consisted of approximately 239 km2 (74 Blocks) and was located about 193.6 kilometres north west of Katherine, NT. The project area was 100% owned by China Australia Land Company Pty Ltd. The tenement area was located in the western parts of the Pine Creek Inlier Litchfield Province and is considered to have a potential for magmatic Cu-Ni mineralisation related to the Wangi Basics and gold silver deposits related to Giants Reef Fault. The licence also laid within the Litchfield Province, a continuation of the prospective Halls Creek Province of the Kimberley's, which is a known significant magmatic Cu-Ni province. China Australia Land Company Pty Ltd (CALR) completed a partial Relinquishment of 84 Blocks in 2017. A partial relinquishment report was not submitted and subsequently the Licence was cancelled. China Australia Land Company Pty Ltd did not obtain positive results from the studies and the exploration conducted on the licence.
NOTESee previous annual reports for data
Date Added: 4-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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