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Title: Annual Technical Report Exploration Licence 31224 12 October 2016 to 11 October 2017
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2017-0499
Tenure: EL31224
Year: 2017
Author: Edgar, H
Abstract: EL 31224 is located approximately 110 km north north west of Alice Springs and has area of 148.82 square km. A majority of the licence sits within the highly prospective Aileron Province. The area is known to host various commodities, which include uranium, rare earth elements (REE), base metals, gold, tungsten and vermiculite. A small portion of the intracratonic Ngalia Basin intersects the middle of the licence and unconformably overlies the Aileron Province. The Ngalia Basin is also known to host uranium deposits, such as the sandstone hosted uranium deposits at Bigrlyi and Angela-Pamela. During the reporting period, Arafura Resources did not conduct any exploration on the licence, however baseline groundwater monitoring was undertaken during three field trips, and groundwater modelling was completed as part of the Nolans Project.
Date Added: 4-Nov-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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