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Title: Report on EL 30469 for the period 11 November 2016 to 10 November 2017
Title Holder / Company: Woodleigh Nominees
Report id: CR2017-0495
Tenure: EL30469
Year: 2017
Author: Casey, G
Abstract: Exploration work focused on the earlier sample sites with 8-10 holes being drilled at each site on 10 metre centres. It is considered that this area should be investigated further by way of trenching to ascertain the potential depth and grade of material in this area. The 'gold wheel' and its water pump were both 12v. and solar powered. Due to the small quantities of material involved the bulk of the work was done by hand to eliminate environmental impact.
Date Added: 31-Oct-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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