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Title: EL 31214 Powell Project Annual Technical Report 10 October 2016 to 9 October 2017
Title Holder / Company: Universal Rare Earths
Kingston Resources
Report id: CR2017-0479
Tenure: EL31214
Year: 2017
Author: Chalmers, N
Abstract: Universal Rare Earths Pty Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Kingston Resources Ltd) pegged EL 31214 targeting reported mica mines in pegmatites as potential hard rock lithium targets. The current price increase and interest in lithium is due to its increase in global demand due to its use in battery technologies. This resulted in a 'lithium rush' with numerous exploration licences pegged or re-evaluated based on its pegmatite hosted lithium prospectivity. EL 31214 was pegged to explore for pegmatite hosted lithium mineralisation. Whilst EL 31214 was in application Kingston Resources Ltd (owner of Universal Rare Earths Pty Ltd) undertook a corporate transaction to acquire Slipstream WANT Pty Ltd which held a number of other lithium projects including further tenements within the Arunta (NT) as well as at Mt Cattlin (WA) and Bynoe (NT). Kingston's has undertaken initial reconnaissance field trips onto EL 31214 where it has collected 11 rock chip samples from outcropping pegmatites. This included visits to a number of the historic mica mines, where very coarse mica plates (up to 20cm) are present in the mullock heaps, but the geochemistry of the bulk pegmatites sampled within the tenement thus far have not indicated a LCT type pegmatite system.
Date Added: 31-Oct-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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