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Title: Annual Report for EL 24915 Lake Mackay Project from 23 September 2016 to 22 September 2017
Title Holder / Company: ABM Resources
Independence Group
Report id: CR2017-0460
Tenure: EL24915
Year: 2017
Author: Winzar, DJ
Abstract: Exploration during the reporting period consisted of drilling and geophysics. 18 RC holes were drilled for 3,315m. 6 diamond holes for 2917.4m. Downhole electromagnetic surveys (DHEM) were conducted on 11 RC holes and 6 diamond holes for a total of 4,474m of DHEM. 4.2 line kilometres of moving loop electromagnetic surveys (MLEM) and 1.85 kilometres of fixed loop electromagnetic surveys (FLEM) were completed to the west of the Grapple Prospect. 5,667 line kilometres of aeromagnetic and radiometric surveying was also completed in the reporting period. Petrographic studies were undertaken on drill samples and a geological interpretation of the magnetic data was also completed.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets are available on request
Date Added: 31-Oct-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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