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Title: Eleventh Annual Technical Report for the reporting period ending 7 November 2017 EL 25238 Arltunga Gold Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Genesis Resources
Report id: CR2017-0446
Tenure: EL25238
Year: 2017
Author: Patterson, J
Healey, D
Abstract: The potential takeover of Genesis Resources by the Blumont Group did not proceed as planned and Genesis is now in talks with other investors from Asia. As a result Genesis has not been able to spend capital on its Australian tenements until these transactions are finalised. No exploration activity was undertaken during the reporting period.
Date Added: 31-Oct-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL25238_2017_A_01.pdf2.93 MBPDF Add
EL25238_2017_A_02_Figures.pdf714.24 kBPDF Add
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