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Title: Group Annual Report for EL's 8766, 23880, 23883, 23884, 23885, 23886, 25031, 25033, 25034, 25035, 25041, 25042, 25044, 26825, 28515, 28727, 28748, 29723, 29724, 29725, 29896, 30470, 30507, 30637 GR162 Barrow Creek Project from 10 September 2016 to 9 September 2017
Title Holder / Company: ABM Resources
Report id: CR2017-0438
Tenure: EL8766;  EL23880;  EL23883;  EL23884;  EL23885;  EL23886;  EL25031;  EL25033;  EL25034;  EL25035;  EL25041;  EL25042;  EL25044;  EL26825;  EL28515;  EL28727;  EL28748;  EL29723;  EL29724;  EL29725;  EL29896;  EL30470;  EL30507;  EL30637
Year: 2017
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: No on - ground exploration was completed as ABM focused on its activities on the higher ranking Suplejack project. A company wide prospectivity review led to the commencement of JV negotiations with Thunderbird Metals Pty Ltd. which were still ongoing at the end of the reporting period. The prospectivity review considered the Kroda 3 (EL 29896), of the 4 Kroda prospects with a combined anomalous strike length of 14 kilometres as the highest ranking prospects of the project.
Date Added: 31-Oct-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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