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Title: Acquisition Report Borroloola NT PTEM / AEM-PTP Survey
Title Holder / Company: McArthur NT
Armour Energy
Report id: PR2023-G007
Tenure: EP171;  EP174;  EP176;  EP190;  EP191;  EP192
Year: 2022
Corporate Author: Pinemont Technologies Australia
Abstract: Pinemont Technologies Australia conducted an Audio Electro Magnetic Passive Transient Impulse (PTEM/AEM-PTP) survey for Armour Energy over an area of approximately 20,000 Sq.Km in the NT, with the base of operations in the town of Borroloola, NT.
The survey was called Borroloola NT and was acquired in partnership with Precision Aerial Pty Ltd. who provided the pilots and aircraft. The survey took a total of thirty two days to complete.
The PTEM/ AEM-PTP survey using patented technology, locates areas of higher E field transient density to infer areas of REDOX activity. The identification of areas of REDOX activity will help provide exploration focus and prospect ranking (e.g., upward fluid flow and/or micro-seepage can create REDOX conditions).
NOTEFor raw and processed data, please see PR2023-G009 record
Date Added: 30-Jul-2024
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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