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Title: Group Annual & Final Report Exploration Licences 8766, 23880, 23883, 23884, 23885, 23886, 26825, 29723, 29896 and 30637 GR162 Barrow Creek Project from 10th September 2022 to 12th September 2023
Title Holder / Company: Prodigy Gold
Report id: CR2023-0569
Tenure: EL8766;  EL23880;  EL23883;  EL23884;  EL23885;  EL23886;  EL26825;  EL29723;  EL29896;  EL30637
Year: 2023
Author: Schwartz, A
Abstract: The Barrow Creek Project area is located approximately 320km NNW of Alice Springs in the western Arunta region (Figure 1). The project area is made up of ten (10) Exploration Licences (EL) 8766, 23880, 23883, 23884, 23885, 23886, 26825, 29723, 29896 and 30637. The tenements lie in the within the Aileron Province of the North Australian Craton in the Northern Territory. Vandenberg (2014) produced a 1:100,000 scale basement geology interpretation of the region (Plate 1). He noted the presence of lithostratigraphic units similar to those seen in the Dead Bullock Formation (DBF) which occur within EL 23885 down to areas near EL 26825. The project area consists of the metasedimentary rocks from the Lander River Formation with gold mineralisation at Kroda being associated with zones cutting through amphibolite faces metasedimentary rocks of the Lander River Formation. Prodigy Gold NL was exploring the project for the potential of gold and base metal mineralisation. During the reporting period EL 8766, EL 23880, EL 23883, EL 23884, EL 23885 and EL 23886 were surrendered by Prodigy Gold. No on-ground exploration was completed on the project area during the reporting period.
NOTERefer to previous reports for digital data
Date Added: 3-Jul-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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