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Title: Tenth Annual Report for the Tanami Exploration Agreement for the period 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014 TEA Project
Title Holder / Company: Newmont Tanami
Report id: CR2014-1102
Tenure: EL2366;  EL2367;  EL4529;  EL8077;  EL8912;  EL9737;  EL9996;  EL10138;  EL22170;  EL22900;  EL22933;  EL23308;  EL23658;  EL23660;  EL23662;  EL23744;  EL23833;  EL24864;  EL24865;  EL24886;  EL24888;  EL24889;  EL24890;  EL24895;  EL24896;  EL24973;  EL24974;  EL25012;  EL25013
Year: 2015
Author: Baggot, M
Abstract: Exploration activities conducted on TEA tenements during 2014 were limited to the completion of 11 reverse circulation drill holes for a total of 1,170m at the Quorn South prospect on EL 4529. Gold assay results from the program yielded disappointing best values of 4m at 48ppb Au, and no further work is recommended for the prospect. Rehabilitation of all surface disturbances associated with the drilling program was also completed during the reporting period.
Date Added: 30-Jun-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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