H0001 Exploration licence data header file H0002 Version 1 H0003 Generated 15-Mar-15 H0004 Reporting Period End_Date 31-Dec-14 H0004 Reporting Period End_Date 31-Dec-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_No EL4529 H0101 Tenement_holder Newmont Tanami Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name TEA H0106 Tenement_operator Newmont Tanami Pty Ltd H0200 Start_date_of_acquisition 1-Jan-14 H0201 End_date_of_acquisition 31-Dec-14 H0202 Data_format DS1 H0203 Number of data_records 33 H0204 Date of Metadata_update 15-Mar-15 H0300 Downhole_survey_data_file GR352_2014_GA_05_SURV2014 H0301 Location_data_file GR352_2014_GA_02_COLL2014A H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file GR352_2014_GA_05_SURV2014 H0532 Surveying_instrument Single Shot Eastman H0533 Surveying_company H0900 Remarks H1000 HOLE ID DEPTH DIP AZIMUTH_MGA SURVEY_TYPE H1001 units meters degrees degrees true North H1004 accuracy 0.1 0.5 0.1 D Ln3H9 0 -55 65 SSE D Ln3H9 30 -56.8 67.4 SSE D Ln3H9 100 -58.2 61.7 SSE D Ln3H10 0 -55 65 SSE D Ln3H10 30 -56.1 59.9 SSE D Ln3H10 100 -54.4 62.9 SSE D Ln3H11 0 -55 65 SSE D Ln3H11 30 -56.3 64.5 SSE D Ln3H11 100 -55 152.2 SSE D Ln3H12 0 -55 65 SSE D Ln3H12 30 -57.3 65.6 SSE D Ln3H12 100 -57.2 69.1 SSE D Ln4H13 0 -55 57 SSE D Ln4H13 30 -56.7 60.5 SSE D Ln4H13 100 -57.8 68.1 SSE D Ln4H14 0 -55 57 SSE D Ln4H14 30 -57.7 56.3 SSE D Ln4H14 82 -59.2 57.6 SSE D Ln4H15 0 -55 57 SSE D Ln4H15 30 -56.2 58.1 SSE D Ln4H15 100 -58.2 52.8 SSE D Ln4H16 0 -55 57 SSE D Ln4H16 30 -57.2 59.2 SSE D Ln4H16 100 -58.2 62 SSE D Ln5H17 0 -55 42 SSE D Ln5H17 30 -57.6 46.1 SSE D Ln5H17 100 -59.1 46 SSE D Ln5H18 0 -55 42 SSE D Ln5H18 30 -57.3 43.9 SSE D Ln5H18 88 -57.8 47.1 SSE D Ln5H19 0 -55 42 SSE D Ln5H19 30 -58 40.8 SSE D Ln5H19 100 -59.3 64.5 SSE EOF