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Title: Ground Surrender Report Frewena Frontier Project (EL 32688, & EL 32690) Barkly Tableland, NT
Title Holder / Company: Inca Minerals
MRG Resources
Report id: CR2023-0817
Tenure: EL32688;  EL32690
Year: 2024
Author: Wembenyui, E
West, J
Abstract: This group report details exploration work undertaken during the second year of grant to 13 October 2023 over EL 32688, EL 32689 and EL 32690, which form the Frewena Frontier Project. The Project is located 200km east of Tennant Creek in the emerging East Tennant region and is considered prospective for iron ore copper-gold mineralisation and associated accessory metals. It is also considered prospective for phosphate and potentially diamonds. Following a review of available exploration data, largely the broad spaced aerial AMAGRAD survey undertaken in 2021, it has been determined that there are a number of areas, particularly on EL 32688 and EL 32690 that have very low exploration potential and can be surrendered in accordance with the mandatory ground surrender requirements of the NT Mining Act. This report provides a brief comment on these matters
Date Added: 27-Jun-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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