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Title: Annual Report for MLC 508, 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
Title Holder / Company: Cook, J
Cook, A
Carter, S
Carter, G
Carter, J
Carter, P
Emmerson Resources
Report id: CR2018-0701
Tenure: MLC508
Year: 2019
Author: Walters, A
Abstract: MLC 508 was acquired by the Jenifer Cook, Alexander Cook, Pamela Carter, John Carter, Suzanne Carter, Gowan Carter and Erbon Nicholson (holding parties) to search for Tennant Creek style iron oxide coppergold deposits (IOCG). Emmerson Resources Ltd (Emmerson) and its subsidiary company Giants Reef Exploration (Giants Reef) are in the process of purchasing the titles in exchange for a royalty on any future production, this is expected to be completed during the next reporting period. This combined report records the exploration work completed on the title during the period from 01 January 2018 to the 31 December 2018. No exploration activities were conducted during the period and future work will be proposed on completion of the sale transaction.
Date Added: 25-Jun-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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