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Title: Final Group Technical Report, Tanumbirini Project EL's 31980, 31981, 32002, 32008, 32009, 32010, 32011, 32012, 32013 and 32014 7 May 2019 to 27 November 2023
Title Holder / Company: Pennant Resources
DGR Global
Report id: CR2023-0749
Tenure: EL31980;  EL31981;  EL32002;  EL32008;  EL32009;  EL32010;  EL32011;  EL32012;  EL32013;  EL32014
Year: 2024
Author: Bierling, J
Abstract: Pennant Resources Pty. Ltd. (Pennant) held tenure over the significant Tanumbirini project within Proterozoic terrane of the Northern Territory with a focus on exploration for giant sediment-hosted base metal deposits like the world class McArthur River, Century, and Mt Isa deposits. The Tanumbirini Project covers the eastern third of the Beetaloo sub-basin and hosts regionally significant geochemical anomalism indicative of sediment-hosted base metal, IOCG and potentially magmatic Ni-Cu sulphide systems. This is the final group report, due to cancellation of licences, and covers the geology and exploration history of the Tanumbirini project, and discusses work completed during the tenure from 2019 to 2023. Work completed during the tenure years included data compilation, processing, and modelling of geophysical and remote sensing data as a precursor to interpretation and targeting over the project area. No fieldwork was completed during the tenure because of the restrictive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Date Added: 21-Jun-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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