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Title: EL 32709 Brunette Downs Partial Relinquishment Report for period ended 27 October 2023
Title Holder / Company: Red Metal
Report id: CR2023-0562
Tenure: EL32709
Year: 2023
Author: Pienmunne, J
Abstract: Red Metal Limited is the owner and operator of EL 32709, located 195 km north-east of Tennant Creek. The tenement forms a part of Red Metal's Brunette Downs project with ELs 32708, 32710 and 32714. EL 32709 originally comprising 250 sub-blocks was reduced to 123 sub-blocks on 27 October 2023. This report details exploration conducted on the 127 relinquished sub-blocks of EL 32709 from October 27, 2021 to October 27, 2023. Work during the term comprised. Review of regional geophysical and geochemical datasets. No targets warranting follow - up work were identified within the area of the surrendered 127 sub-blocks and it was decided to relinquish them.
Date Added: 23-Apr-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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