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Title: Round 16 Geophysics & Drilling Collaborations Program Final Report Benmara Project, South Nicholson Basin, Deep Diamond Drilling
Title Holder / Company: Xavier Resources
Resolution Minerals
Report id: CR2023-0715
Tenure: EL32228;  EL32883
Year: 2023
Abstract: This report is the Final Report for work carried out by Resolution Minerals Ltd (RML, Resolution, the Company) on the Benmara Project which received $150,000 Greenfields Drilling funding for Round 16 of the Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations (GDC) program. This report includes results for deep diamond (stratigraphic) drilling completed on EL 32228 and EL 32883. The aim of drilling program was to constrain the stratigraphy on current seismic interpretations and assess the South Nicholson Basin for sediment hosted copper potential. Specifically, the drilling program was designed to target the Benmara Group (Fickling, McNamara and McArthur Group equivalents) associated with two exploration models. Exploration model one target included testing a sub-basin along the northern margin of the South Nicholson basin, where it onlaps the Murphy Province, coinciding with the WSW-ENE trending Fish River Fault. Relatively shallow RC holes completed in 2021 provided evidence for a potential base metal mineral system (intense, pervasive silica alteration) and deeper holes could test the new ideas generated from this program. The second exploration model being tested occurred in an intra-basin setting. The drillhole was located to test stratigraphy and evidence for hydrothermal fluid migration on GA seismic line 17GA-SN5 proximal to the Bauhinia Fault. The Bauhinia Fault, an inverted normal fault in the Brunette Downs Rift Corridor, may have been a conduit for metalliferous fluids during periods of burial or inversion. Multiple interpretations have been put forward for the GA seismic line and therefore drill constraint would be extremely valuable to better inform the interpretations. The stratigraphic drilling has provided an opportunity to constrain the age (geochronology on tuff marker horizons), mineralisation potential of the host rocks (pyrolysis, petrology) and structural setting along the targeted faults zones and overall basement architecture (oriented core).
Date Added: 3-Apr-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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