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Title: Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations Program 2023 Round 16 Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) Survey Georgina Basin Central Project EL 33375
Title Holder / Company: Knox Resources
Report id: CR2023-0610
Tenure: EL33375
Year: 2023
Author: Abbott, P
Abstract: Knox Resources Pty Ltd ('Knox') was awarded a co- funding grant under Round 16 of the Northern Territory (NT) Government's Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations (GDC) Program. The co-funding grant was to undertake an Ambient Noise Tomography ('ANT') Survey located on Exploration Licence (EL) 33375, which forms part of Knox's Georgina Basin Central Project ('GBCP'). Knox is extending the search for High-grade deposits of Cu-Au +/- Bi mineralisation associated with magnetite and/or hematite bearing ironstones (Tennant Creek IOCG deposits) hosted within the Paleoproterozoic Warramunga Formation into the East Tennant region, under the cover sequences of the Georgina Basin sedimentary rocks and Kalkarindji Basalt. Exploration activities undertaken by Knox on the GBCP have included: Desktop studies undertaken by SRK consultants to better understand the mineral potential within the project area; Collection of high-resolution geophysical data (magnetics & gravity); Drilling three deep exploration holes. The ANT Survey results will assist in defining new targets and improve the geological knowledge of the area. Data from the survey will: Enable correlation between geological interpretations, geophysical modelling and drilling; Help define cover depths, underlying basement architecture (favourable structures), potential alteration signatures, and delineate zones with higher mineral potential; Assist with constraining geophysical inversions and provide depth control on basement anomalies; and Provide full 3D data visualisation, improving resources targeting precision and understanding of the local geology.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets available on request
Date Added: 3-Apr-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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