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Title: Round 15 Resourcing the Territory Initiative Boco North RC Greenfields Drilling - Prodigy Gold EL 31331 Final Report
Title Holder / Company: Prodigy Gold
Report id: CR2023-0296
Tenure: EL31331
Year: 2023
Author: Keys, E
Ferris, G
Abstract: The Boco North drilling program was designed at opening an unexplored greenfields area along the significantly mineralised Supplejack Shear Zone ('SSZ'). Boco North has not been effectively drill tested historically and is a geochemically blind target due to the presence of the unmineralised Proterozoic Supplejack Downs Sandstone cover unit (outcropping at surface). The Boco North project area is located to the north, and along strike, of the Hyperion Deposit (310,000 ounce resource @ 1.95 g/t, 100% PRX) and the Tregony deposit (54,000 ounce resource @ 1.16g/t Au, 100% PRX). The Crusade deposit (~100,000 ounce resource, 50% Northern Star and Tanami Gold) is located immediately to the north of the Boco North area, making this Boco North area (~50sq km's) a prime exploration target between significant and defined mineral resources. The drill targets observed in magnetic imagery were drill tested in the Round 15 Resourcing the Territory initiative with the aim to better understand the stratigraphic relationship between the prospective Paleoproterozoic Tanami group and the un-mineralised younger and less deformed Proterozoic cover. The aim of this drilling program was to determine the depth of cover and confirm the presence of the prospective Tanami group (Paleoproterozoic) below the younger cover unit(s). Hole depths were planned for 150m (at -60-degree dip), after geophysical consultation providing insight into the likelihood of shallow (<150m) of cover thickness; basement magnetic features did not have a 'muted' texture that would indicate significant cover thickness. Due to the unexpectedly thick cover depth of the encountered/interpreted Proterozoic (or younger) units, a planned program consisting of 20 holes with a planned depth of 150m each, totalling 3000m, had to be revised. Only 9 holes were drilled, totalling 1645m. It was discovered that the cover units were considerably thick at Boco North. Consequently, it is now believed that cost-effective exploration for bedrock (Paleoproterozoic) would require drilling to depths that exceed feasibility. Selected drill hole samples were submitted to North Australia Laboratories Pty Ltd at Pine creek for geochemical analyses for gold only via fire assay. Typically, sample selection was based on the depth of the hole, with the weathered portion of the upper sections omitted from analyses. Four-metre composite samples were taken for most of the sampling, while single metre samples were selected by the rig Geologist where significant veining was observed. 59 element four-acid digest ICP-MS and ICP-OES analysis may be performed (in the future) on selected intervals to continue to build the geochemical profile of the Supplejack Sandstone. Low-level gold was detected in hole BCRC23010 with a 1m sample reporting 0.14g/t Au (130-131m) and a 4-metre sample reporting 0.11g/t Au (132-136m). Whilst not economically significant, detectable gold in the Supplejack Sandstone has not been previously reported. Reverse circulation (RC) drilling during this 2023 program has provided fresh rock data where none has been obtained previously. The Proterozoic iron-rich sandstones are significantly thicker than anticipated (at least 300m thick) and provide evidence for a possible (and significant) structure existing between Boco North and Boco (~2.5km to the south) that would explain the disappearance of the sedimentary basin over this distance. Possible horst/graben displacement could explain the disappearance of >300m of Paleoproterozoic Birrindudu basin sediments over the ~2.5km distance from this round of drilling to the historically drilled holes to the south, where significant mineralisation in the Tanami Group was observed at a depth of ~50m from surface.
Date Added: 4-Feb-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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