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Title: Annual Technical Report Mineral Lease 30686 20 November 2021 to 19 November 2022
Title Holder / Company: Enigma Mining
Report id: CR2022-0638
Tenure: ML30686
Year: 2023
Abstract: This report describes exploration conducted over ML 30686 during the reporting period from 20 November 2021 to 19 November 2022. Along with six ELs, three other MLs and two Access Authorities, ML 30686 forms part of the Mount Peake Project approximately 235 km NNW of Alice Springs. ML 30686 is an ancillary licence, located at the termination of the haul road and rail siding facility for the Mount Peake minesite. Work at Mount Peake is currently being undertaken under an Exploration Activities Mining Management Plan, and as such minimal exploration work and expenditure has been assigned to the titles. Any work conducted on ML 30686 is attributed to the underlying Exploration Licence EL 30483. Work will be attributed to the Mining Lease once the Mining Operations Mining Management Plan has been finalised and approved.
Date Added: 23-Nov-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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