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Title: Annual Technical and Final Report for the period 12 November 2019 to 14 August 2023 EL 32106 Cow Paddock
Title Holder / Company: Rio Tinto Exploration
Report id: CR2023-0491
Tenure: EL32106
Year: 2023
Author: Jaunzems, A
Abstract: This report documents work undertaken by Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd (RTX) on EL 32106 for the period 12 November 2022 to 14 August 2023. EL 32106, Cow Paddock, was lodged following the analysis and interpretation of phase 1 results from the North Australia Hydrogeochemistry Survey (NAHS). No work was conducted during the current reporting period. During the current reporting period, internal technical peer review concluded that Zn anomalism is likely as a result of underlying Cambrian phosphorites and not indicative of Proterozoic hosted SEDEX/replacement alteration. As such, the tenement is being surrendered.
Date Added: 23-Nov-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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