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Title: EL 31543 Illogwa Project Partial Surrender Report for the period 2 January 2019 to 14 February 2023
Title Holder / Company: Typhon Minerals
Report id: CR2023-0088
Tenure: EL31543
Year: 2023
Abstract: EL 31543 (Project) is located approximately ~145km ENE of Alice Springs. The central and western areas of the Project adjoin EL 26942, which covers the Basil Cu-Co deposit, as well as a number of important Cu-Co and Ni-Cu-PGE prospects, such as Manuel, Miggins, Bob and Hammerhead. Typhon is assessing the Project for Basil-style Cu-Co sulphide deposits, Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide mineralisation associated with mafic and ultramafic intrusions, as well as alluvial Au deposits. A total of 38 sub-blocks were relinquished from the Project during February 2023, leaving 39 retained sub-blocks. Work on the relinquished blocks involved reviews of previous exploration activities and assessment of publicly available remote sensing and geophysical datasets. Geological reconnaissance and traversing was undertaken to field check geological interpretations and to assess geophysical anomalies. This work suggested that the relinquished blocks have low potential to host economic mineralisation at reasonable mining depths, and no further work is recommended.
Date Added: 23-Nov-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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