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Title: ELs 32711, 32712, 32713 Brunette Downs Annual and Final Surrender Report for period ended 27 October 2022
Title Holder / Company: Red Metal
Report id: CR2022-0556
Tenure: EL32711 EL32712 EL32713
Year: 2022
Author: Pienmunne, J
Abstract: Red Metal Limited was the owner and operator of ELs 32711, 32712 and 32713 located 140 km north-east of Tennant Creek. The tenements formed a part of Red Metal's Brunette Downs project with ELs 32708, 32709 32710 and 32714. This report details exploration conducted on ELs 32711, 32712 and 32713 from October 27, 2021 to October 27, 2022 the date the tenements were surrendered. This is the first Annual and Final Surrender Report in respect of these licences. A review of regional geophysical and geochemical datasets was conducted. The data review led Red Metal to conclude that the prospective lithologies did not extend to these tenements and it was decided to relinquish the tenements.
Date Added: 9-Nov-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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