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Title: First Annual and Final Report Ringwood Northwest EL 32943 Exploration Licence EL 32943 for the period 27 June 2022 to 10 February 2023
Title Holder / Company: Gempart (NT)
Report id: CR2023-0050
Tenure: EL32943
Year: 2023
Author: Mackie, AW
Bubner, GJ
Abstract: EL 32943 was granted in June 2022. Commodities sought are base metals, battery metals, REE's and phosphate. About one half of the area has outcrop/subcrop of Amadeus Basin sediments. Most of the Basin stratigraphies are represented within the tenement area, from Bitter Springs Group to Cambrian Pertaoorta Group. Aeromagnetics suggests the remainder of the area under cover has similar stratigraphies. There are no mines, deposits or mineral occurrences within the EL area, and the only drilling is two clusters of RAB holes. Previous explorers, notably Poseidon Exploration Ltd in the 1990's, targeted base metals in the late Neoproterozoic Bitter Springs Group, Areyonga Formation and Aralka Formation. CRA Exploration and Rio Tinto Exploration explored for diamonds and base metals in the 1990's without success. Other than two regional AEM traverses flown in 2017 by GA, no new data has been collected in the tenement area for 25 years. Gempart believed that re-assessment of past exploration data and acquisition of modern airborne geophysical data can vector new areas to investigate for conventional and new-age commodity targets. A thorough assessment of previous exploration results was completed, including analysis of all Amadeus Basin drilling completed over a 6,000 square kilometre area in the past 50 years. In 2021 a VTEM survey was flown over a substantial part of adjoining tenement EL 32244. Numerous anomalies were detected which might have bedrock conductor sources, and application was subsequently lodged for EL 32943 to secure ground with similar geology and elevated assays from historical surface sampling programs. The best VTEM anomalies were investigated with ground EM surveys in 2022, which showed the anomalies are caused by shallow-dipping formational conductors or altitude effect rather than bedrock conductors. As a result, Gempart has decided to surrender EL 32943. No new data were acquired.
Date Added: 24-Aug-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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