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Title: Group Annual Report for EL 5889, EL 28326 and EL 31332 GR163 Birrindudu Project from 16 November 2016 to 15 November 2017
Title Holder / Company: ABM Resources
Report id: CR2017-0494
Tenure: EL5889;  EL28326;  EL31332
Year: 2017
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: No on-ground exploration was completed as ABM focused on its activities on the higher ranking Suplejack project. In July 2017 ABM invited the Corporate Geoscience Group ('CGSG') to undertake a geological framework and targeting study at ABM?s Tanami projects which included the Birrindudu project. The review resulted in a priority sorted list. In total of 3 targets eventuated within the Birrindudu tenements. The prospectivity review considered the area SE of the Black Bug prospect (EL 28326) as highest ranking Birrindudu target area based on the encouraging historic Au-As-in-rock chip anomaly associated with quartz vein occurrences in Dead Bullock within a structurally complex setting. The underlying strong magnetic remanence; the magnetic and gravity gradients; the significant mag as well gravity worming in combination with the historic widely-spaced drill fences added to the higher ranking. The 3 targets generated would benefit from follow up work. Considering the early stage of the targets, this would likely include reconnaissance mapping, collection of historical drill spoil, and possible follow up drilling.
Date Added: 1-Aug-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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