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Title: West Mereenie 17 Well Logs
Title Holder / Company: Santos Group
Magellan Petroleum
United Oil and Gas
Report id: PR2023-W025
Tenure: PL4
Year: 2001
Corporate Author: Katalyst Data Management
Drillhole/Well Name: West Mereenie 17A
Rig release date: 07/04/2000
NOTEThe WCR for West Mereenie 17 and 17A is combined, as problems were encountered while drilling West Mereenie 17. West Mereenie 17A was spudded after the rig was skidded approximately 25m to the northeast. See West Mereenie 17A for the WCR and associated data. Wireline logs have not been scanned.
Document Type: Well Logs
Date Added: 11-Jul-2023
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Wells (PEX Wells)

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