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Title: Reprocessing 2D - Pre-STM Final Reprocessing Report
Title Holder / Company: Origin Energy
Falcon Oil & Gas Australia
Report id: PR2021-G004
Tenure: EP76;  EP98;  EP117
Year: 2019
Corporate Author: Origin Energy
RealTimeSeismic (RTS)
Abstract: As the quality of the legacy seismic data of the EP117 and EP98 was not satisfactory, Origin attempted reprocessing of the available raw data in order to better define the structural continuity and fault resolution.
RealTimeSeismic (RTS) carried out the reprocessing of seven lines for origin during the month of October 2019.
The key processing challenges encountered were related to the shallow subsurface geologic heterogeneity, producing high-amplitude coherent noise in the form of body and surface wave scattering, with a subsequent severe impact on near-offset records (masked reflection events).
NOTEDigital processed data in separate record - PR2021-G005
Document Type: Seismic Processing
Date Added: 21-Jun-2023
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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