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Title: Shoobridge ANT Drilling and Geophysics Collaboration Report EL 31407
Title Holder / Company: Lithium Developments
Core Lithium
Report id: CR2023-0015
Tenure: EL31407
Year: 2023
Abstract: An ambient noise tomography ('ANT') survey was carried out on Core Lithium's Shoobridge Project as part of the Drilling and Geophysics Collaboration Program, 2022. Core Lithium?s primary exploration target is pegmatite hosted lithium. However, other mineralisation, including orogenic gold, base metals and uranium, is noted within the project. The concept of undertaking ANT is relatively new, at least in application to mineral exploration, and has evolved following successful trials elsewhere. Recent technological advances allow real-time data collection and analysis. The objective of undertaking a regional ANT survey was primarily to better understand the complex regional geology in order to aid targeting for pegmatite systems. The ANT survey was carried out in October and November 2022 and covered an area of about 106km2 with a geophone spacing that varied between 500-1000m. The Project area is situated within the Pine Creek Orogen, approximately 65 km west of Pine Creek, and approximately 130 km south-southeast of Darwin and 20km west of the Cosmo-Howley mine site. The final output of the survey provided by Fleet Space Technologies was a 3D velocity model to a depth of about 1300m. Analysis of the data has revealed new and useful information about the subsurface geology of the area. Granites are now believed to underlie a central corridor between the Fenton Granite and Shoobridge Granite outcrops. New evidence for folding and faulting of the Finniss River Group on the margins of the granite has also been revealed. Although pegmatite targets have been identified, it is believed that better resolution for direct detection will be possible using a closer geophone spacing.
Date Added: 10-Jun-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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