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Title: Year 4 Reduction Report Exploration Licence 31628 Frew River for the Reporting Period 20 August 2018 to 19 August 2022
Title Holder / Company: Treasure Creek
Report id: CR2022-0494
Tenure: EL31628
Year: 2022
Author: Chapman, A
Abstract: EL 31628 is part of Treasure Creeks new Tennant Creek tenement package and is part of an overall exploration strategy targeting iron oxide copper gold mineralisation in the region. At the end of year 4 3 blocks were relinquished, this report covers exploration activities on the relinquished ground for the duration it was held. The company has undertaken significant historical, geological and geophysical data review all the tenements in this area with over 100 historical reports downloaded but work is ongoing. No exploration was done on the relinquished ground during the period it was held. The ground is interpreted to be over granitic rocks and not of high potential for our current IOCG exploration strategy.
Date Added: 21-May-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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