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Title: Final Surrender and Annual Report Mineral Authority 364 2 July 1993 - 30 November 2022
Title Holder / Company: Northern Territories Resources
Report id: CR2022-0540
Tenure: MA364
Year: 2022
Author: Molloy, G
Abstract: This is the Final Surrender Report for MA 364. It includes a description of exploration activity over the title during the reporting period from 2 July 2022 to cessation on 30 November 2022. MA 364 was granted to Compass Resources Limited on 2 July 1993. It is located approximately 60 km south of Darwin, and is dominated by extensive sequences of the Mount Partridge Group, known to host several polymetallic mineralisation occurrences, including the Browns polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu-Co-Ni) sulfide deposit. Activities over the title formed part of the Company's regional exploration strategy targeting discovery of polymetallic mineralisation within the highly prospective Rum Jungle Mineral Field. Several regional geophysical surveys were conducted over the area, including induced polarisation, electromagnetics, magnetics, LiDAR, and ground and airborne gravity. During the reporting period the Company conducted a number of projects across its tenement package, including metallogenic and pre-feasibility studies. As MA 364 lies entirely within RL 31445, which reserves the land from exploration for or extraction of minerals, renewal of the title could not be approved, and the title was ceased on 30 November 2022.
Date Added: 21-May-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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