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Title: Final Collaborations Report GDC Program Round 15 Edwards Creek South VTEM Survey Edwards Creek South EL 32758 and Southern Cross Bore EL 32335
Title Holder / Company: Gempart (NT)
Report id: CR2022-0652
Tenure: EL32758;  EL32335
Year: 2023
Author: Mackie, AW
Bubner, GJ
Abstract: EL 32758 and EL 32335 are located 90 km northeast of Alice Springs in rugged country of the Strangways Range. Over 16th-20th September UTS Geophysics P/L ('Geotech') flew an airborne EM survey over an area encompassing the southeast quadrant of EL 32758 and extending east EL 32335. The VTEM survey covered 110 square kilometres at 200 metre line spacing for a total of 559 line kilometres. The primary objective was to detect conductors which may represent sulphides associated with base metal mineralisation. The main conceptual model is a Johnnies Reward looka- like in Strangways Metamorphic Complex. This copper-gold deposit is located just east of the survey area in EL 32335 and stratigraphically is below the Lower-Upper Cadney metamorphic transitional contact. It has a close association with magnetite-rich rocks and an IOCG model has been proposed. Due to the magnetite and sulphide content, the deposit has a distinct magnetic and EM response. The VTEM survey has produced an excellent dataset. With good outcrop and the absence of a deep weathering profile there is no significant conductive overburden response. Apparent resistivity images contain a wealth of geological information. Significant structures and contacts are evident, some of which redefine the published geology. Interpretation has identified 25 anomalies including seven Priority 1 anomalies consistent with bedrock conductor responses. Collectively they define five prospect areas. One occurs near the boundary of the Lower-Upper Cadney metamorphics contact, which is the same stratigraphic position as the Johnnies Reward deposit thus satisfying the primary objective. Another four priority 1 anomalies plot in the Yambah granulite and represent new targets for ground follow-up.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets are available on request
Date Added: 17-Apr-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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