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Title: Annual report for EL 30960 November 2016 to November 2017 Marqua Phosphate and Base Metal Project
Title Holder / Company: MLM Drilling
Report id: CR2017-0394
Tenure: EL30960
Year: 2017
Author: Thornton, D
Abstract: The Marqua Project is 100% owned by MLM Drilling. It has been licensed to explore for DAPR fertilizer production. Increased markets for organic produce both nationally and internationally suggest that this market may be revitalised. Work over the previous 12 months has focused on gathering and assessing previous work done by both Uramet and Rox Resources. A chemical analysis of results was used to assess the viability of contaminants as currently assessed and for future assay. The initial assessment suggests that the Marqua Project may be suitable for DAPR production, however this has also highlighted the need for a more consistent and viable approach to the assay process. As a result, 30 samples will be collected from core held in the Alice Springs library and reassayed under the newly developed/designed assay suite. This process will produce an initial consistent and more reliable database. In addition to this future work will focus on understanding the geological controls of contaminants including but not limited to lead and cobalt. It's possible that these contaminants are limited to fringe areas.
Date Added: 26-Feb-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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