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Title: Final Report Exploration Licence 28321 (including Annual Report for period ending 02 May 2021)
Title Holder / Company: Vista Gold Australia
Report id: CR2021-0286
Tenure: EL28321
Year: 2021
Author: Howard, J
Abstract: Exploration Licence (EL) 28321 was surrendered by Vista Gold on 2 May 2021. This is the Final Report for EL 28321, and describes exploration activity on the title over the full duration of tenure, from grant on 3 May 2011 to surrender on 2 May 2021. EL 28321 is part of the Mt Todd Project group of titles, and is located approximately 40 km south of Pine Creek. The Mt Todd Project Area contains the highly prospective Burrell Creek Formation of the Finniss River Group, the northern strike extension of the Batman-Driffield Structural Corridor and the southern portion of the Cullen-Australus Structural Corridor. Exploration activity on the title over the duration of tenure included: diamond drilling and testing of Tindall Limestone to assess its suitability as a source of lime to neutralize mine water; mapping and testing of clay-rich soils for geotechnical assessment; mapping and modelling of limestone/intrusive contact; and desktop assessment of the potential to host metalliferous deposits in association with the Tennysons Leucogranite - specifically uranium and gold mineralisation analogous to known deposits. The title was relinquished as it was not considered by Vista to be a high priority for exploration for gold mineralisation.
NOTESee CR2012-0320 for the Diamond drilling data
Date Added: 26-Feb-2023
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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