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Title: Combined Annual Technical Report Bynoe ML 29912 and ML 29914 from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 GR024/09
Title Holder / Company: Outback Metals
Report id: CR2016-0715
Tenure: ML29912;  ML29914
Year: 2017
Abstract: During this reporting period Outback Metals re-examined the geological data (particularly with regard to lithium assays in the tenement) and completed administrative duties but no other significant work was completed on these tenements as prevailing commodity prices were not amenable to carrying out any development studies. These tenements are part of a package of tenements that are proposed to be mined, with ore carted to and treated at the Annie Mine. However tenement issues exist at the Annie Mine.
Date Added: 23-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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