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Title: Francis Creek Gold Annual report GR373, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016
Title Holder / Company: Casey, G
Casey, L
Woodleigh Nominees
Report id: CR2016-0709
Tenure: MLN759;  MLN760;  MLN767;  MLN768;  MLN769;  MLN770;  MLN771;  ML24269;  ML30236;  ML30237
Year: 2017
Author: Casey, G
Abstract: During the reporting period work has focused on re-opening the Francis Creek mine. There is a signed agreement that is expected to be completed in the near future. Some boundary maintenance work has been undertaken on site in addition to minor road repairs due to the last wet season. It is anticipated that there will be a need to perform some additional maintenance work on the boundaries of these tenements after the current record Wet Season. This work will be attended to after access to the area becomes available.
Date Added: 23-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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