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Title: Annual group report GR354 for EL 30809, EL 30824, EL 29717, EL 30128 and EL 30234 Mount Bundy Project for period 1 December 2015 to 30 November 2016
Title Holder / Company: Primary Minerals
Primary Gold
Report id: CR2016-0676
Tenure: EL30809;  EL30824;  EL29717;  EL30128;  EL30234
Year: 2017
Author: Abzalov, M
Robins, J
Abstract: Throughout the reporting period Primary Gold has continued the regional reconnaissance and data evaluation of the extensive historic data set. This has led to approximately 3 weeks of reconnaissance field trips to validate the tenor, geography and geology of historic prospects and the new exploration targets determined from the past geochemical surveys. This culminated in the collection of 30 samples detailed in Appendix A. Also during the period the company's technical and financial resources are still being utilised for the collection of data and information required to address the issues identified by the government and public stakeholders during the assessment of the Tom's Gully Mine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). To date a flora and fauna surveys across the Toms Gully, Rustlers Roost and Quest 29 Areas has been completed. These survey areas have also encroached on EL 30809 and EL 30824 to cover future drilling. During the period senior management and the board was changed. As such exploration activity during the current reporting period has been limited.
NOTEAdditional data available on request
Date Added: 23-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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