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Title: Annual report on the Kirkimbie Diamond Project EL 30219, 13 October 2015 to 13 October 2016
Title Holder / Company: Martin, A
Report id: CR2016-0672
Tenure: EL30219
Year: 2017
Author: Martin, C
Abstract: The Kirkimbie project comprises of five (5) granted exploration licenses being EL 30655, EL 30656, EL 30657, EL 30219 and EL 29803. The tenements encompass parts of the Kalkarindji Province and lie within the 1:250 km BIRRINDUDU and LIMBUNYA map sheets and the Napier, Inverway and Birrindudu 1:100 km map sheets. The Buntine Highway intersects the tenements. The area has been the subject of extensive exploration by major mining companies over a period of several years. Regional scale stream sediment, soil and rock chip sampling has been periodically completed since the late 1970's for diamonds and minerals. Daylight Jack Minerals first pass reconnaissance geological mapping, soil and rock chip sampling was completed in August 2010. Target areas for on-ground follow-up were identified from a review of historical exploration data, plus an interpretation of the area based on airborne geophysical survey data. The rock chip sampling program was systematic and selective in nature over the area, in order to obtain an indication of mineralisation. The results of the rock chip and soil sampling included anomalous assay results for Aluminium, Iron, Manganese, Chromium and Vanadium. This report details the outcomes of rock chip and soil sampling programme completed in June 2016. This programme focused on a number of di-pole targets selected from airborne magnetic survey modelling. No further work will be carried out on EL 30219. The results to date do not warrant further investigation
Date Added: 23-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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