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Title: Annual Report for the period 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 Tenement(s) No(s). MLN 47, MLN 48, MLN 49, MLN 67, MLN 68, MLN 69, MLN 70, MLN 71, MLN 72, MLN 73, MLN 74, MLN 75, MLN 76 and MLN 77 Ranger Project (Group Report Number GR391)
Title Holder / Company: Peko Exploration
Rio Tinto Exploration
Report id: CR2016-0649
Tenure: MLN47;  MLN48;  MLN49;  MLN67;  MLN68;  MLN69;  MLN70;  MLN71;  MLN72;  MLN73;  MLN74;  MLN75;  MLN76;  MLN77
Year: 2017
Author: Black, A
Abstract: No work was completed on MLN 47, MLN 48, MLN 49, MLN 67, MLN 68, MLN 69, MLN 70, MLN 71, MLN 72, MLN 73, MLN 74, MLN 75, MLN 76 and MLN 77 (the Ranger MLN's) during the reporting period ending 31 December 2016. Access to the MLN's is unlikely in the foreseeable future because of their sensitive location within Kakadu National Park.
Date Added: 23-Dec-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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