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Title: Annual Report for EL 23150 Officer Hills for the period 29 July 2015 to 28 July 2016
Title Holder / Company: Quantum Resources
Newmont Tanami
Report id: CR2016-0467
Tenure: EL23150
Year: 2016
Author: Baggott, M
Abstract: Work completed during the third operational year on EL 23150 included: An assessment of the geochemical similarity between rocks hosting gold at Officer Hills and those hosting significant economic mineralisation at Newmont's Dead Bullock Soak (DBS) mine; A detailed evaluation of the regolith environment across EL 23150 for the purposes of evaluating shallow historic drilling, and the use of this data to plan soil sampling programs over priority targets; Administrative preparations for field work to be completed in late 2016, including a Sacred Site Clearance Certificate application and field visit with the Central Land Council (CLC) and Traditional Owners, and Preparation of the inaugural Mining Management Plan (MMP) for EL 23150.
Date Added: 21-Oct-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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