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Title: Partial Relinquishment Report for EL 27705 Birrindudu Project from 19 July 2010 to 26 May 2016
Title Holder / Company: ABM Resources
Report id: CR2016-0356
Tenure: EL27705
Year: 2016
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: The relinquished area of EL 27705 formed part of the ABM Resources NL (ABM) Birrindudu Project, which currently comprises Exploration Licenses 5889, 27705, 28326, 28560, 28566, 29181 and 29182. These tenements were amalgamated for group reporting to GR 163.Over the 5 years of term no on ground exploration was completed. The relinquished area of EL 27705 was surrendered due to the absence of or limited geochemical response and is deemed less prospective than surrounding blocks based on their geophysical signature.
Date Added: 21-Oct-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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