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Title: EL 26942 - Leaky Bore Annual Report for the period 5 August 2015 to 4 August 2016
Title Holder / Company: Mithril Resources
Report id: CR2016-0452
Tenure: EL26942
Year: 2016
Author: McKinnon-Matthews, J
Abstract: This report presents the work completed on the Leaky Bore Tenement (EL 26942) during the period 5th August 2015 to 4th August 2016. Work completed in the current reporting period (5 August 2015 - 4 August 2016) included assessing the area for lithium bearing pegmatites including rockchip sampling and significant rehabilitation of the Basil Camp area and removal of the camp. No lithium bearing pegmatites were identified and the tenement was reduced in size by 61 blocks on 29 July 2016.
Date Added: 21-Oct-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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