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dc.description.abstractThis report gives the results of special processing, analysis and interpretation of the high-resolution magnetic data over EP69 in Amadeus Basin. This study helped in the interpretation of the structure and understanding the geology of the target area, 'Walker Prospect'. This study focused on the delineation of fault and associated structure patterns within the main target horizon, the Pacoota Sandstone within the Walker Prospect, at depths of 1200m to 1600m. The analysis and interpretation of the magnetic data also helped to delineate major fault structures dislocating the thick Palaeozoic and Neoproterozoic sediments of the Amadeus Basin and presumably the underlying Mesoproterozoic basement, in the Walker Prospect area and surrounding region.
dc.description.abstractThe project has proven that the application of new methods and techniques to the interpretation of high-resolution aeromagnetic data over sedimentary basins and the underlying deeper crust can value-add to a petroleum exploration program.
dc.titleAnalysis of the Aeromagnetic Survey Data Over Part of the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory EP69
dc.relation.isatmap100Gill 5249
dc.relation.isatmap100Areyonga 5349
dc.relation.isatmap250Lake Amadeus SG5204
dc.relation.isatmap250Henbury SG5301
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceAmadeus Basin
dc.description.stratnamePacoota Sandstone
dc.contributor.corpauthorArchimedes Consulting
dc.contributor.holderInnovative Technological Geo-Exploration
dc.identifier.collectionnamePetroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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