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Title: Group Technical Report Group Report 437 3 December 2015 to 2 December 2016
Title Holder / Company: Northern Territories Resources
Report id: CR2016-0675
Tenure: EL25561;  EL27005;  EL27007;  EL27559;  EL27560;  EL27561;  EL27562;  EL27638;  EL27788;  EL27789;  EL27968;  EL27969;  EL28037;  EL28703
Year: 2017
Author: Edgar, H
Abstract: The Batchelor Project comprises of Exploration Licences 25561, 27005, 27007, 27559, 27560, 27561, 27562, 27638, 27788, 27789, 27968, 27969, 28037 and 28703 (the licences). The northern licences are located approximately 45 km South of Darwin and the southern licences are located approximately 70 km South of Darwin. The licences have a combined area of 60.71 square km. The licence area sits within the highly prospective and resource rich Rum Jungle Mineral Field within the Pine Creek Orogen. The area is known to host various commodities, which includes copper, lead, nickel, zinc, cobalt and uranium. During the reporting period, Northern Territories Resources Pty Limited (Northern Territories Resources) conducted numerous works over the whole project. These include, post-grant heritage surveys and pre-grant airborne and ground surveys.
NOTESee CR2016-0418 for IP Survey data
Date Added: 3-Aug-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR347_2016_GA_01.pdf1.68 MBPDF Add
GR347_2016_GA_02_Appendix1_Geology_Legend.pdf462.28 kBPDF Add
GR347_2016_GA_03_Appendix2_Geology_Map_Legend.pdf218.49 kBPDF Add

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